Optimize Low-Poly Cylinders

Optimize Low-Poly Cylinders

The example demonstrates how to optimize low-poly cylinders, including a bent cylinder and cylinder cap with an inner hole, by reducing edges while preserving the silhouette.   Optimize Low-Poly Bent Cylinders In the first case, you can see the bent cylinders....
Cylinder caps retopology tips

Cylinder caps retopology tips

The retopology can help to simplify the high poly mesh and avoid a huge amount of extra polygons. In this guide, you can see two pictures with different types of cylinder caps topology. The first picture includes topology schemes for: Hexagon – 6 edges; Octagon...
Creating cylinder cap central loops

Creating cylinder cap central loops

Why you should use an even quantity number of the edge in the cylinder cap? Here are some reasons: It will provide two crossed central loops in the cap middle; Even numbers are simple to remember and count; Easily to insert extra edges with saving the central loops;...